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HelixNet 和 FreeSpeak二世 Dramatically Streamline Workflow 和 Connectivity for 2022 National Geographic’s Annual Explorer’s Conference


一个数字 十大正规体育平台® system deployed across National Geographic’s sprawling campus by Washington, D.C.-based 十大正规体育平台 partner, FC-Production, allowed the 2022 Rolex National Geographic Explorer of the Year Awards celebrations to proceed more fluidly than ever before.

校园, formally known as National Geographic Base Camp, has played an essential role in the global nonprofit’s mission since the late 1800s, notably as a venue for Nat Geo’s explorers to gather 和 share their experiences with the public. 博物馆之间, 剧院, 以及总部, the campus takes up most of a city block, which poses a potential challenge to event communications.

FC-Production was one of the first to deploy 十大正规体育平台’s HelixNet® 和 FreeSpeak™ products on the East Coast, 和 the company often takes on challenging, large-scale events similar to this one.  事实上, the production company has worked on this event for years, but 2022 marks the first time that organizers have tasked it with providing the entire communications 和 audio infrastructure. 在这种情况下, that included 十大正规体育平台’s FreeSpeak二世 Digital Wireless Intercom 和 HelixNet Digital Partyline Intercom, distributed via 10 transceivers deployed across Nat Geo’s headquarters. While the main event was in the 剧院, there was a secondary space for overflow 和 an outside courtyard with a sound system 和 stage for DJs.

“以前, those systems were parceled out to several different groups,” explained FC-Production’s Operations Manager, 约瑟夫·弗利. “通常, that included vendors (for whom) intercom wasn’t a primary focus, which presented numerous challenges. The interface alone created headaches. 更不用说, vendors were bringing in a mix of analog 和 digital equipment, a mish-mash of different manufacturers’ products, 和 different ages of gear. So, 今年, they brought us in from day one to avoid the inevitable problems 和 to streamline everything with FreeSpeak二世 和 HelixNet.”

In all, FC-Production deployed 25 FreeSpeak二世 beltpacks 和 20 HelixNet beltpacks. “Anyone who didn’t need to be mobile got HelixNet, 和 any of us that had to move from space to space were on FreeSpeak,福利说. A central master control was located in the theatre 和 ‘spidered’ out over fiber to the other viewing areas. 然后, they distributed HelixNet 和 FreeSpeak over POE 和 Cat5, 和 deployed FreeSpeak splitter units at each location 和 transceivers for the FreeSpeak. “So, this was the first year they weren’t using long runs of copper XLR, 700feet across the campus, 和 trying to interface with individual str和s of intercom from venue to venue.”

最终, that drastically decreased load in time 和 dramatically improved the quality of the product with which they ended up.

例如, camera operators could move quickly between locations because they no longer had to leave their packs in one room, run across the building to pick up new packs, 和 try to adapt to new volume 和 communication settings.

第一次, Nat Geo could have a centralized video director cut the streaming portion of the show 和 communicate easily with every operator, 现场任何地方, a function that was greatly appreciated by event producers. “They were thrilled with the packs,福利说, “not only because they never dropped out, even in catering three floors up from where the main events were happening, but because they never had to worry about being able to reach the people they needed to.”

Foley noted that the transition to virtual events over the p和emic brought into sharper focus how fluid 和 seamless a singular system provided by a savvy, experienced provider can be. “We worked with Nat Geo on virtual events over the past couple of years that didn’t need nearly this level of intercom support, but they still required interfacing to other locations integrating Agent-IC® 或通过十大正规体育平台的网站 LQ® IP Series boxes for an intercom over IP solution.”

Owing to those efforts, Foley sums up: “They realized there was a better solution. They just needed to take the plunge. Deploying FreeSpeak 和 HelixNet was all about making things easy 和 fast, 和 it certainly allowed for smoother integration 和 worked very well on this occasion.”